
On Tax Day, D.C. Residents Pay Federal Taxes, Only to Have No Say in How They’re Spent

Washington, D.C. — As millions of Americans file their taxes, the 700,000 residents of Washington, D.C., continue to pay taxes without any representation in Congress.

Stasha Rhodes, Campaign Manager of 51 for 51, issued the following statement:

“Tax Day is yet another reminder that 700,000 D.C. residents continue to be taxed without representation in our democracy. Washingtonians pay more federal taxes per capita than any state in the nation, but we have no vote in Congress and no control over how our tax dollars are spent. At the country’s founding, Americans declared independence to end taxation without representation, but over 200 years later, this injustice is alive and well in our nation’s capital. Now, all Americans — regardless of party, race, or state — need to unite around this rallying cry of the revolution to make D.C. the 51st state.”

Here are several fast facts about taxation and D.C. statehood:

  • D.C. residents paid $27 billion in income taxes last year, contributing more in federal income taxes than 22 states and more per capita than any state.

  • Currently, because of the Home Rule Act, D.C. is prohibited from levying a non-resident income tax, or taxing the income of those who work in D.C. but live outside of its borders — something every other state is allowed to do. When D.C. becomes a state, it would be able to levy such a tax, raising funds for the local state government to fund services and support local businesses as they see fit.

  • The D.C. business community has united behind statehood, because statehood would give businesses a say in legislation that affects the local business climate.

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About 51 for 51:

51 for 51 is a coalition of D.C.-based and national groups committed to equal representation for the over 700,000 D.C. residents who remain locked out of our democracy. The coalition of 20 progressive groups believe American citizens living in the District deserve a voice in Congress and control over their own local laws. Already, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Senators Warren, Markey, Gillibrand and Hickenlooper have endorsed 51 for 51’s proposed path to statehood. 

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